After Lasik

Designed to fine-tune the results of LASIK and other refractive surgeries. (Can be done any time after surgery). The program is especially recommended for those who experience vision regression, reduction in contrast sensitivity, or side effects such as blur, glare, halo and starburst. The goal of the program is to improve vision and reduce or eliminate the need for glasses.

After Lasik
Contrast sensitivity may be low after Lasik surgery despite of perfect refraction and good visual acuity!*


RevitalVision is clinically proven to enhance vision after Lasik surgery.

The average vision improvement is 2.5 lines in Visual Acuity and 100% in Contrast Sensitivity.


RevitalVision enables to optimize the visual outcome, by treating the brain in addition to the eyes.


*Contrast sensitivity should be measured in FACT sine wave only. Standard contrast sensitivity letter chart tests are unable to demonstrate the low contrast sensitivity against the normal CS spatial frequency range.


Treatment Criteria

• Refraction – up to 1.5 SPH and 0.75 CYL
• UCVA up to 20/60 (6/18)
• Motivated to complete 30 training sessions in a 2-month period

Treatment Protocol

• Patient trains with or without distance glasses – the software will instruct
• 30 training sessions
• Follow-up exam is recommended after 15 and 30 sessions

Clinical Follow Up

• Uncorrected VA distance


Contact Us

    Talshir Medical Technologies LTD
    USA Office: 1.800.361.8218 | Main Office: +972.77.212.3272
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