Low Vision/ Eye disease

The program is suitable for people suffering from different eye diseases (such as retinal, corneal, nystagmus, and more…)

Age 9 and up, with stable vision and with best-corrected vision up to 20/200.

There is no limitation on refraction.

The goal of the program is to enable better vision and visual function despite the disease.

Eye Diseases / Low Vision

Clinical studies and case reports have demonstrated RevitalVision’s efficacy in improving vision in various eye diseases, such as Nystgmus, Stargardt, RP, Karatocunus patients following intrastromal corneal rings, and more. Additional studies are done these days on various pathologies.

The mechanism underlying visual improvement is yet to be investigated. A possible explanation is the lack of prolonged effective cortical stimulation caused by a blurred or damaged image transferred from the retina to the brain, resulting in reduced cortical activity. Thus, in addition to the anatomical damage to the eye, there is secondary gradually-evolved damage to the quality of the image processing in the brain.

Similar to amblyopia, effective stimulation and perceptual learning process enable significant improvement in cortical activity, resulting in improved visual acuity and contrast sensitivity, despite the absence of any anatomical improvement or changes during the course of the disease.

Indications for use

• Patients 9 years or older suffering from an eye disease, affecting central vision.

Clinical Outcome:

• Improved VA (2 VA lines on average)
• Improved CS (100% on FACT sine wave on average)

Contra Indication

• Peripheral vision loss (the program improves central vision only)
• Diplopia
• Brain damage
• Epilepsy


• Unstable vision/ vision fluctuations
• Severe untreated attention disorder

Treatment Criteria

• BCVA up to 20/200 (6/60)
• Cognitive intact
• Motivated to complete 40 training sessions in a 3-month period
• Sufficient visual field – can see full computer screen from 1 meter
• Successful handling a visual task session (Demo session)

Treatment Protocol

• Patient has to be best corrected
• 40 – 60 training sessions
• Follow-up exam is recommended after 20 and 40 sessions

Clinical Follow Up

• BCVA distance & near
• Contrast Sensitivity (FACT sine wave test) – recommended


Contact Us

    Talshir Medical Technologies LTD
    USA Office: 1.800.361.8218 | Main Office: +972.77.212.3272

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