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Brain Science to Full Vision

RevitalVision is a perceptual learning, vision training software program.

Scientifically and clinically proven to improve the brain’s visual processing

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Using Brain Science to Outdo Results

  • The only FDA-cleared product for amblyopia ages 9+
  • Clinically Proven and Tested Worldwide
  • Published in Peer Reviewed Medical Journals
  • Supported by World-Renowned Medical Advisory Board
The only FDA aproved
Results background

Which Program would you like to offer?

Lazy Eye / Amblyopia

Lazy Eye / Amblyopia

Read Without Glasses

Read Without Glasses

Post Cataract Surgery

Post Cataract Surgery

Low Myopia

Low Myopia

Sports Vision

Sports Vision

After Lasik

After Lasik

Eye Diseases /
Low Vision

Eye Diseases / Low Vision

Programs improvement icon

The Average Improvement is:

  • 2.5 Lines on a Visual Acuity Eye Chart (ETDRS)
  • 100% Increase in Contrast Sensitivity (FACT sine wave)
  • Improvement in Stereo & Binocular functions in amblyopia
Improvement sq circle
Low contrast sensitivity​​

Low contrast sensitivity​​

Normal contrast sensitivity​

Normal contrast sensitivity​

Improvement simulation of Visual Acuity

Improvement simulation of Visual Acuity


Clinics Worldwide


Treated Patients


Training Sessions


Doctors FAQ

Faq icon
What is the difference between RevitalVision and other available amblyopia software programs?

RevitalVision is indicated to improve vision in amblyopic children over 9 and adults as a standalone therapy when occlusion is no longer effective! It is the only FDA cleared product with efficacy claims to improve vision in amblyopia ages 9 and up! (no upper age limit)
Other Dichoptic products are used to treat children, when patching therapy may still be effective Additional amblyopia software programs are used to treat convergence insufficiency.

Is RevitalVision using Dichoptic Therapy (Binocular training)?

No, RevitalVision uses a proprietary perceptual learning technology, scientifically and clinically proven with randomized controlled double-blind studies, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Unlike binocular training programs, RevitalVision is FDA cleared for adult amblyopia as a standalone therapy.

How does RevitalVision improve uncorrected vision in people with a minor refractive error (low myopia and presbyopia)?

By improving the brain's visual processing to perform better than normal, it compensates for some degree of blurriness caused by the small refractive error. While the signal from the retina to the brain remains the same, the neural response to the low signal improves.

How dose RevitalVision impact refraction in low myopia and presbyopia patients?

RevitalVision has no effect on patient refraction nor on patient accommodation capabilities. It enables patients with small refractive errors to see better without correction despite the small refractive error.

What clinical evidence do we have?

More than 20 clinical studies tested the efficacy of RevitalVision in different clinical indications, by different clinicians and in different countries (USA, Europe, and Asia), all showing similar clinical outcomes. 7 studies have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals, and 3 of them are randomized controlled studies. Most of the studies are available on our website.

How dose RevitalVision improve vision in pathologies?

A possible explanation of the improvement mechanism is the lack of prolonged effective cortical stimulation, caused by a blurred or damaged image transferred from the retina to the brain, results reduced cortical activity. Thus, in addition to the anatomical damage to the eye, there is secondary gradually-evolved damage to the quality of the image processing in the brain.
Similar to amblyopia, effective stimulation and perceptual learning process enable significant improvement in cortical activity, resulting in improved visual acuity and contrast sensitivity, despite the absence of any anatomical improvement or changes during the course of the disease.

What is RevitalVision success rate?

85% of patients improve by 2 – 2.5 VA lines (in ETDRS/ LogMar) and 100% in contrast sensitivity (using FACT sine wave test), approximately 10% do not respond.

Is the improvement stable?

Yes, follow-up of 1-2 years in clinical studies shows the improvement gained with RevitalVision remains. In fact, amblyopic patients demonstrate additional spontaneous improvement in CS and Stereo after 1 year of completing the program.
Just like learning to walk, riding a bicycle, and learning to swim have a long-lasting effect, so does RevitalVision.

Can a patient purchase the program without a doctor’s prescription?

Amblyopia and low vision programs are only available through eye clinics. The post-surgery and wellness programs, are also available for direct purchase by patients.

Where do the training sessions take place?

RevitalVision training sessions are performed at the patient’s home. You can choose to offer patients a first in-clinic guided session or send them home to perform all the training sessions. It is for you to decide based on your clinic capacity and policy and on your patient’s ability.
The patient will be instructed to perform 3-4 home training sessions per week at home and come back to you for a follow-up exam at mid and post-program. In these appointments, you will measure the improvement in patients’ visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, stereo acuity & binocular functions in cases of amblyopia.

What is the business model for providers?

While a clinic subscribes to a monthly or annual subscription plan from our company, the patient buys a therapy program from the clinic.
The price value for the patient therapy package includes (1) access to the platform valid for 80 sessions or 1 year - the earliest (2) 3-4 eye/vision examinations - baseline + follow-ups, (3) In-clinic guided session optional (4) Technical support through the treatment period (5) Training monitoring (6) Warranty. The price does not include new optical correction if needed.

How much does it cost?

For clinics, we offer monthly or annual subscription plans . Prices vary according to the treatment category and subscription plan.
After you register your clinic you will receive access to our pricing and plans.

Patient recommended prices vary between countries.
For more information on pricing please contact your local RevitalVision distributor or the company directly at info@revitalvision.com

Does health insurance cover the cost of RevitalVision therapy?

The American Medical Association (AMA) has issued 2 unique CPT Codes for RevitalVision amblyopia therapy. The codes will be effective from January 22.
0687T Treatment of amblyopia using an online digital program; device supply, educational set-up, and initial session
0688T assessment of patient performance and program data by physician or other qualified health care professional, with report, per calendar month

How can I sign up as a provider?

Click the "Register your Clinic" button at the top of this page.
After your registration is complete, you will have immediate access to the Clinician’s Admin Portal where you will be able to manage your patients and choose your subscription plan.
We offer a 30-day free trial for all our subscription plans.

Contact Us

    Talshir Medical Technologies LTD
    USA Office: 1.800.361.8218 | Main Office: +972.77.212.3272

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